TUE: 16 & Pregnant @10/9c on MTV
The Real Housewives of Orange County @9/8c on Bravo TV
Dance Moms 9/8c on Lifetime TV
WED:The Real Housewives of Vancouver @10 on Slice TV
THU:Don't ne Tardy for The Wedding @9:30/8:30c on Bravo TV
FRI: /
SAT: /
SUN: Keeping Up With The Kardashians @9/8c on E!
Mrs.Eastwood and Company @10/9c on E!
The Real Housewives of New jersey @10/9c on Bravo TV

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Real Housewives of NY, reunion part I

Oh my...New York Housewives reunion! Too bad the season is over. I was getting used to those crazy menopausal women :). But, two of them that I couldn't stand, were Kelly and Cindy. They are a special kind of crazy.
Let's start with Kelly. I love how she tells Alex to stay out of other people's business and she keeps interrupting everybody all the time. When Alex ran down the stairs in Morocco (yes that was extra funny) to talk to Luann and to fight for Ramona's honor Kelly intertwined, saying it isn't Alex's place to get involved, well Kelly you just did the same thing! We all know Countess can speak for herself.
At the reunion she told Alex to stop getting red. Wow, like a person can control that, why don't u control those veins that are popping on your neck Kelly?
She was insulted by Sonja's vagina, insulted and hurt, really? I can understand embarrassed maybe, but insulted buah. And I love how she talks about Sonja's house being dirty. For what I saw Sonja's house looks normal and I don't even remember seeing Kelly's house, hmm I wonder why?
When Simon came to talk to Jill, she started telling her "Why does he want to talk to you? Why? What does a man have to talk to you about, that is so weird". Well Kelly, it's none of your damn business, he didn't ask you to talk to him, he asked Jill who was his friend from before! So why are you getting into that situation and calling it strange.
Cindy...who is Cindy, and why is she on that show? Oh yes, Ramona brought her... and then ugly uninteresting Cindy started talking s#!% about Ramona. Yes there is a pecking order, regardless how strange that sounds. But when a person introduces you to their group of friends, and brings you into the show such as Housewives, which automatically helps you to promote your business then yes Cindy, the small thing you should do, is show some gratitude. No you don't owe her your life, but you do owe her some respect.
When she came to Sonja's house for breakfast that was the pinnacle of rudeness. Having a conference call while someone is making you food and telling them to shut up while you are a guest at their home wow, a redneck wouldn't do such a thing. If you couldn't do the breakfast meeting with Sonja because you are so busy, than you shouldn't have came in the first place.
Alex was right she does need to get laid ASAP.
Can't wait for the second part of the reunion next week. Poor Andy he was looking very exhausted :/,

Basketball Wives

Wow, Basketball Wives, I was disgusted with those women last night. Especially Tami. That woman needs some serious therapy. She is such a liar and a fake. You are in Rome, Italy! Haven't u heard of an expression: "When in Rome do as the Romans do." That means leave your ghetto ass behavior in USA for a week and relax, and let others be! Everybody turned against Meeka! It was such a sad sight to watch Shaunie and Evelyn laugh at the table when Tami was imitating Meeka's voice! First of all she doesn't even talk like that, and no Tami not everybody needs to be loud mouth like you. Shaunie,I get it, something needs to be happening in that show for it to be entertaining,but u guys are just embarrassing yourselves now. I think the rest of the cast is just angry at Meeka because she is the only one left there that is an actual BASKETBALL WIFE!
Suzie is so pathetic! She was in that same position last year, and now, she all of a sudden has the balls to talk s#!% about Meeka calling her an Idiot and stuff. She is sooo trying to get in the good grace of Evelyn and Tami. So scared to stand up to them, so she decided to throw Meeka under the bus.Meeka had a conversation with Susie about how Tami asked her: If it comes to choosing sides, will u be with the real bitches (meaning Tami, Royce and Suzie) or the fake ones (Evelyn, Shaunie and Jennifer).  Suzie couldn't keep the conversation to herself, so she told Evelyn like she was her loyal puppy, and Evelin asked Tami if she called them fake. Tami goes: "NOOOO , I called u popular"! B!%C# please U did called them fake, here is a reminder in case your drunk ass forgot!

Yup that is u screaming "No fake bitches, I love it". Ta dahh
So, Tami please shut up, and stop acting like u never had prejudice towards anyone. And for all the people out there, no you don't have to tell people everything in their face, that doesn't make u "real" it just makes u obnoxious and rude.
Oh and one more thing! Why are they all wearing the same EARRINGS?? #lame...

Monday, July 25, 2011

Keeping Up With The Kardashians

Poor Kim Kardashian has psoriasis! And can her mother be any more money hungry?! The only good thing in this ugly situation is that maybe now people will be more open minded towards people that have psoriasis and not have prejudices about that condition.

Let's enjoy the new video by Countess Luann :D

Look at the beginning of the video,when they are walking how one can't even see Jill cuz Countess is blocking her! What a great director-NOT

The Real Housewives of NJ

There was nothing special on the last night's episode of The Real Housewives of New jersey. Except, at the begging when Kim G was kicked out of the Christmas party. Funny thing is she was kicked out by Caroline, and she wasn't even the hostess of the party. People are right, who is Kim G? And why does she constantly want to hang out with people that don't like her?! Plus, she is so rich, she should pay for her own show is she wants to be on TV so desperately.
On the other note, Teresa and Melissa(they are sisters in law) seem to be getting along fine this episode (yup seem). Poor Melissa is trying so hard to be in Teresa's good will for the sake of "family peace''. I understand it is not easy for Teresa to be in good spirits now that she is bankrupt, but she needs to stop being so cynical and angry at the people,especially if they have nothing to do with your financial situation. I think Teresa is jealous of Melissa, because that is how she looked and was acting in her younger days. Funny thing was when Melissa and her husband Joe came to Teresa's Christmas dinner, and Teresa was wearing this slutty outfit, and the first thing that came out of her mouth is how Melissa is dressed inappropriately. Please Teresa, you guys look the same.
Kathy is also trying to make peace with her cousin Teresa, but she always tries to do it when they are on some event. What century is this? What, she doesn't have Teresa's phone number, she doesn't know where she lives?! If one really wants to make peace with their family they should have a talk off camera,because this thing that she is doing now, seems like a sad act.
Little Ashley (who is no longer little), Jacqueline's daughter, all she wants for Christmas is for her stepfather to like her. She "changed" this season,except now she is too whiny. A person looks at her she gets teary eyes. What happened to Ashley that was threatening Danielle last season and pulling her hair out. Oh well. Girl has some major daddy issues, she spent her whole birthday crying because her dad couldn't come, instead appreciating people that did. Go live with your perfect dad then.

Anyway it was a Christmas Eve episode so like I said nothing excited.
Tonight is gonna be a good one because it's The Real Housewives of New york City reunion episode!!! Yeeey
P.S I Love to watch Andy Cohen's after shows and reunion specials!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Just finished watching sneak peak for the next episode of the Basketball Wives.

First of all that's not a sneak peak because it lasts 9min, that is half of the show.
I don't know what is up with this conspiracy against Meeka? Everyone is on her case like she offended their mother or something like that. Especially Tami! Really Tami, really, imitating Meeka during a nice dinner! What is wrong with u like a little bully." I'm gonna slap this, I'm gonna hit her if I find out this or if I find that bla bla bla" ( In my Tami voice) ugh! I don't know how can people listen to that. Well guess what u bully, you are being sued now and I'm glad. I don't know where Tami thinks she lives but u go to jail nowadays if u raise your hand on somebody.  40something year old woman being sued for an assault on an another woman who did nothing major to you, you should be ashamed of yourself.
More comments on this episode coming up Monday after the show airs.
For all of you who can't watch it on Vh1 because it is not allowed in your region (had those issues while living in Europe) I suggest these two pages : and !

Love S.