TUE: 16 & Pregnant @10/9c on MTV
The Real Housewives of Orange County @9/8c on Bravo TV
Dance Moms 9/8c on Lifetime TV
WED:The Real Housewives of Vancouver @10 on Slice TV
THU:Don't ne Tardy for The Wedding @9:30/8:30c on Bravo TV
FRI: /
SAT: /
SUN: Keeping Up With The Kardashians @9/8c on E!
Mrs.Eastwood and Company @10/9c on E!
The Real Housewives of New jersey @10/9c on Bravo TV

Friday, December 9, 2011

Kourtney and Kim Take New York

I can't believe it's Friday already. This time is going so fast I don't even get to recap on all the shows. I wanted to comment on the KKTNY. I totally get why is Kim getting a divorce, however I don't get why did she marry the guy in the first place. Poor little Kris had too many distractions in NY so he had to run off to the country to get away from all that mess-please. Did he skip the part where he got married, for better and for worst, and all that? You are suppose to be with your spouse, unless something serious is keeping you away from it, not baby Mason and a naked yoga instructor hahaha, OMG how do you ever get true such huge obstacles in life. Kris and Kim just wrestle like two idiots, it's annoying.
That message Kim sent to her sister Khloe is straight up disgusting. She is acting to be all nice and innocent in public when truth of the matter is she is a monster! Just because your sister woke you up an hour earlier you tell her she is jealous of you and all those insults. Kim says: oh I'm working... motherfucker you aren’t working at the factory, you get glammed up and take pictures and get way too much money for it. Take another hour of sleep your ass needs to grow some more. One thing Kris was right she did eat the whole wedding cake. If anything Kim is jealous of Khloe because she has a good marriage and a successful husband, not some ignorant kid.

Kris Humphries was on Good Morning America show today, and he knew they were going to ask him about his divorce and Kim but he didn't expect it would all be about that. Is that some kind of joke? Did he really think they would talk about the basketball? Dude nobody cared or knew about you before Kim, you were just some player. Get real. And what is up with bringing his mom on the show? Lame

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