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The Real Housewives of Orange County @9/8c on Bravo TV
Dance Moms 9/8c on Lifetime TV
WED:The Real Housewives of Vancouver @10 on Slice TV
THU:Don't ne Tardy for The Wedding @9:30/8:30c on Bravo TV
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SUN: Keeping Up With The Kardashians @9/8c on E!
Mrs.Eastwood and Company @10/9c on E!
The Real Housewives of New jersey @10/9c on Bravo TV

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Finally a Teen mom that is doing good for herself and others!

I was happy to read this article about Farrah and to see teen moms doing something good and not just collecting mugshots!

There were a lot of uncertainties when Teen Mom's Farrah Abraham moved away with baby Sophia for school in Florida. Would raising Sophia be a struggle living alone and away from family? Would finances keep her from graduating and earning a Bachelor's degree? Lately, things are looking up for Farrah--and she's got big plans. Full interview after the jump!

Act: How’s school going for you?

Farrah: School started off hard--when Sophia was younger and I was trying to accomplish my Associate degree. College has become easier since I got my first degree, and I’m now wanting to finish school with a Master's degree. So school is going great and I’m happy I’m continuing with my education.

Why was it important for you to pursue a college degree?

It's important for me to not just achieve a college degree but to achieve the highest college degree possible. I know in my future, I never want to be stuck in the position of not being able to provide for my family, and more and more businesses and jobs are requiring more than just an Associate degree.

Are you happy with the decision you made to move to Florida with Sophia, away from your parents?

I'm very happy I moved to Florida with Sophia. It was my time to move on, grow and make our own life. There are some challenges to really being on my own, and a single parent, but I have made it as easy for Sophia as I possibly can. It's hard though when we want to see family and we can't just drive to see them anymore.

How have you funded your own education and what was that process like for you?

I funded myself, and I started receiving a small portion of scholarships towards the end of my Associate degree after filling out financial aid forms to see what I could apply for. I chose not to have college loans to start off because I thought "if I can't pay for it now, I don't want to be in debt later, because I will need money for my daughter." I worked hard to pay for school myself. When I was lucky enough to have the added bonus of $1,000 or more scholarships here and there, it made me happy and made me feel more encouraged. It gave me that pep I needed. Now I'm going further in college.

We saw on Twitter that you and Sophia are planning to offer scholarships to teen parents. What inspired you to do so?

My true inspiration came from seeing other parents who didn’t have enough money put away for their children's college education. For Sophia, I have already set aside money just for college. So, I figured Sophia and I should start giving a couple scholarships to parents who are trying to get a college degree. Many people quit going to college because they can't afford it which leads to them to not achieving a degree and not earning enough money to support their family. I want to help break the cycle of this happening.

When and where can teens find more information about your scholarship?

Right now I'm looking into partnering with select schools, with my focus on schools that accommodate parents more so than others. I'm doing the research, and choosing select colleges and universities. It's one of my 2012 resolutions. Hopefully others who are financially stable will also adopt a student or give scholarships!

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