TUE: 16 & Pregnant @10/9c on MTV
The Real Housewives of Orange County @9/8c on Bravo TV
Dance Moms 9/8c on Lifetime TV
WED:The Real Housewives of Vancouver @10 on Slice TV
THU:Don't ne Tardy for The Wedding @9:30/8:30c on Bravo TV
FRI: /
SAT: /
SUN: Keeping Up With The Kardashians @9/8c on E!
Mrs.Eastwood and Company @10/9c on E!
The Real Housewives of New jersey @10/9c on Bravo TV

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sunday Recap+ Kelsey Grammer expecting twins

I was watching Golden Globes last night that is why I'm a little bit late when it comes to blogging, but an interesting thing happened- Kelsey Grammer gushed when announcing to the backstage Golden Globes press that he and his new wife are expecting twins. And though the announcement took reporters by surprise, it's a good bet no one is more stunned than his ex wife, Camille Grammer.
"Camille and the children had no idea," a source close to the family said. "They found out about it from the media. Once again, selfish Kelsey decided to do what's best for him with no concern for his current children. He needs to stop talking about his private life in public. It's very hurtful for the children he already has."
Kelsey also received a Golden Globe and during his speech I almost puked as he was sending his love to his new wife. I can't understand people like that, it's OK you stopped loving someone and you decided to move on, however when you have children with that person stop being such an asshole and rubbing your happiness in to their faces when they are clearly miserable.

Golden Globe's host Ricky Gervais was making fun of Kim K saying: "The Golden Globes are to the Oscars what Kim Kardashian is to Kate Middleton. A bit louder, bit trashier, bit drunker, and more easily bought... allegedly.”
Kim and Kourtney were on lat night as I'm sure all of you know, and I must say Kim is making herself look bad by acting that way towards her sister. What happened is Khloe was right and that is why she was lashing out on her. I'm glad she finally apologized though. Khloe was looking really bad this episode I don't know maybe cuz she was drained from fighting.

Do you know what Bull's daughter is? That's right a COW! That is exactly what Karen from the Mob Wives is-a raging cow. Doesn't she have a daughter or someone she should go and take care of? She is the lamest mother ever, she left her child to fight some trivial chicks on TV and pretend she is though. Renee and Carla made up it was about time. That instigating chick Ramona should just leave the show! She is not doing anything but making everyone fight! Did you guys hear her screaming and crying about being arrested and spending few hours in jail? OMG I thought you was so though and rough and ready to beat everybody up bla bla bla bla bla... Shut up!

Atlanta Housewives were on as well! I must say I was happy for Kim and all I still am but I'm getting bored! This peaceful stage that she is in makes me yawn! And those wigs are covering her too much it just looks stupid. Kandi's mother had an attempt of reconciliation between Kim and Nene, like why? And why are all the women trying to make Nene go with them on a trip to Africa? Nene can leave the show tomorrow and nobody would blink. Whenever I see those meetings with her "business partner" I blush, that is just getting embarrassing.

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